Corporate Events 

Looking for a new way to reward your employees? Want something that is mutually beneficial?

Consider a small group nature experience. Working with small groups of up to 20 individuals allows for team bonding.

There are numerous studies demonstrating the health benefits of time in nature. Here are a few recent studies. 

 20-minute nature break relieves stress - Harvard Health 

Effect of nature exposure on perceived and physiologic stress: A systematic review - PubMed ( 

Here are studies showing how time in nature helps with mental health.

The mental health benefits of nature: Spending time outdoors to refresh your mind - Mayo Clinic Press 

Nurtured by nature ( 

A nature experience consists of a nature walk with an emphasis on plants, trees, and fungi. There will be small group activities involving nature. 

When an employee has less stress and a stronger immune function, they will be a happier, healthier, more productive employee. Aren't your employees worth it?

Need more proof? The picture below is one I took that inspires a feeling of calmness and desire to explore. Who doesn't want to walk barefoot though the soft grass?  

Email for more information.